
Showing posts from February, 2023

Week 7

 This week we talked about sex and the differences between men and women. We also talked about the different kinds of infidelity, and the influence of porn in relationships. To start off women need to feel safe, warm, and close to their partner in order to want to have sex, and men want to have sex so they can feel safe warm and close to their partner. Which can cause some problems in a relationship if there isn't a lot of communication. Both partners will feel misunderstood and like their partner does not love them....when in reality they do. This isn't the only difference. When people actually have sex men tend to get aroused a lot faster than women. They hit their climax most of they time way before a woman will even be close to hitting hers. After a man hits their climax evidence shows that they are pretty much done, and can't continue one. Whereas if a woman hits climax they can have several climax's before she is done. This can lead to three main problems: 1. Both

Week 6

 This week we talked about the transitions into marriage. We talked about engagement and what it should be used for. That and What to expect in the first year of your marriage. During courtship you do a lot of talking and imagining of what things would look like with each other. Then when you are engaged to each other you are practicing putting up boundaries. There is a whole list of things that should be happening when you are engaged.  Tasks of engagement: Wedding planning Should be doing the planning together (as one) not the women and her friends/parents Making clear judgements Making clear boundaries Saying goodbye to your opposite gender friends Planning a marriage Establishing what roles you both will play in your family Budgeting In todays day and age engagement has lost a lot of its meaning along with the whole purpose of proposals. The original part of proposals was to show a mans commitment to a woman regardless of what she said, or how committed she was. The men would buy a

Week 5

This week we talked about dating. What it is, and how it has changed. My professor said that when he had people come into his office with marriage problems and told them how they dated....every single time he could guess perfectly what they were having problems. Which is actually incredible. I am someone who hates dating, but because of this weeks lessons I have gained a desire to do it the correct way.  In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we have a culture that is sometimes very toxic when it comes to dating. We believe in eternal marriage that lasts beyond the grave into the next life. However, when you grow up being taught about what to look for in an eternal companion sometimes your view of dating gets skewed. Oftentimes after one date we decide to not go on any others because we aren't planning on marrying that person. Which in fact isn't the best way to go about dates. Dating is a way of getting to know people in as many different circumstances as possible.

Week 4

This week was so interesting! We looked at lots of different studies that were just so intriguing to my brain. We talked about the differences between male and females, and also same sex attraction. I wish I could just bring y'all with me into the classes because they are sooo good and I do a terrible job at reiterating what was said/what I learned.  This one may be a long one. Brother Williams (the professor) had us watch a study done of if there is a difference between men and women other than the biological bodies. In todays day and age especially over the past 5 years there has been a belief that men and women are the same and that there aren't any differences between us. That the behaviors and stereo types we find in society are because of old traditions and social upbringings.  In the study that we looked at, along with some other studies done it was found that there are differences between males and females even when we are infants! Which blows my mind! The main differen

Week 3

This week we talked a lot about culture, tradition, and boundaries in family relationships. It made me think a lot about my own family and the relationships I have. Specifically the boundaries part.  There are three different types of boundaries: Rigid, Poor diffuse, and Clear. The professor related it to houses. The family who lives at the house with Rigid boundaries has a cinderblock fence around their house with barbed wire on the top. That can be very off-putting and shows that they don't let people in that often.   The family with the poor diffuse boundaries had no fence whatsoever and the door is wide open. At first it seems really cool that they'll let anyone in at anytime, but that can actually become quite dangerous. These people can often be manipulated or hurt by others because of the lack of boundaries. They are walked all over, just like the house would be if there wasn't any fence. The last family with clear boundaries was depicted as a picket fence. It is aro