Week 12

 This week we talked about divorce and blended families. It gave me some insight for what some people go through, and what I want to avoid. 

There was a study done and it said that 70% people who get divorced regret it and wish they tried to save their marriage instead of getting divorced. Just 2 years after the divorce too. Most divorces are instigated by women, which surprised me for some reason. 70 % of men are remarried 2 years after their divorce. 

It is important to work on things even when they get hard. Now there are some circumstances where you definitely should get divorced, like an abusive relationship, but there are also times where if you both put in effort you can save the marriage and be even closer than before. It also has to do with our choice though. Our ability to choose in life is such an important blessing and privilege. Everything in life is a choice. You can choose what you think and how you react and lots of things like that. You can choose who you date and what your standards are. You choose how you parent and how you treat others. You can choose to get over an addiction. You can choose to start new today. You can even choose your attitude in a bad situation. It is all up to you. 

You can learn to gain control of yourself and your passions. Christ was the ultimate example of self mastery and choosing to be poise and kind to others. He chose to have an even head on his shoulders and to see others as God sees them. With love. Self control and mastery is one of the hardest challenges in this life, not just to recognize it, but to also try and redirect it and take control of it. That is our purpose is to choose what we will serve and who we will serve. Will we let other things overrule us and out decisions, or will we choose to say no, and serve the Lord. Relying on Christ is hard...I know it. This is one of the things I struggle with the most is self mastery, and letting other things control me. I am very imperfect, but I know that through Christ's enabling power I can do all things. I can win in the end and have joy in this life, knowing that I am working on choosing Him everyday, and letting others go their own way. 

We talked about some other things, but I think this is a good way to end. I don't have any more thoughts other than Jesus Christ is my source of joy and has the key to happiness in this life. All of the principles we have talked about this semester can all be tied back to things our Savior taught us. That is for a reason. He is the way the truth and the light. The only way.


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