Week 10

 This week we talked about the family work relationship. I thought it to be very insightful. It made me think more about what I want to do with my future, and how I will provide for my future family.

To start off we talked about how since the industrial revolution the work-family life situation has changed a lot. It used to be that you and your family all worked together. Like Adam and Eve....it wasn't a separate thing, it was done altogether and would help you all bond. That was just life. However, since we have had the industrial revolution we have separated work and family life. The new normal became that the father would leave for the entire day and work, and then come home to the family while the mother watched over the kids. This can create problems in the family relationships. Now there aren't two parents home, and the children don't get that experience of learning and working hard like they would in that sort of environment. 

We then talked about how it is very important to help children understand work, life, and play are all the same and to make them good experiences. We came up with examples of what showing children good work is like:


  • Money involved (if you do ----- I'll pay you -----; allowance)

  • Separately (doing work separately rather than an experience they get to have with their family/parent)

  • Sending the kids alone to do it

  • Must vs privilege to help (young kids love to help, and want to do stuff)

  • “Have to” mindset


  • Understanding the why behind it

  • All are involved in some sort of way

  • Fun/playful

  • Learning experience (inviting a kid to help, even if they don’t want to)

  • “Like a party” mindset

  • Contribute

  • Showing the value in contributing helps the whole experience become better.

  • If it is harder, it is more fun. CHALLENGING

  • Make it a game

  • Working WITH your kids

To me these are really important principles to learn. If we learn to work hard growing up it will make it that much easier to be more successful in life and have good experiences with others. You will know how to be self reliant. I grew up in a home where we had a mix of both good and bad examples of work. It made it so now when it comes to certain things it is harder for me to do. However, there are other things that are really easy because I am not afraid to work. The generations now-a-days aren't getting that same experience. They don't know how to work. Which really impedes of their way of life. It is a struggle that they never had to have if they had been taught correctly. 

We also talked about when raising kids it is important to teach both work and play. Play is often competitive, where work is cooperative. This will give the children skills to not only problem solve ,but to learn to work with others, and to think through situations, to use their resources, and overall find enjoyment out of that. I want to teach my future children to work hard and to enjoy working with others and gaining those skills. That is something that I think the savior wants us to learn. He wants us to love our neighbors and serve others. When we are thinking about situations we look outside of ourselves and overall are becoming Christlike.


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