Week 11
This week we talked about things that I think I want to incorporate in every aspect of my life. It has helped me understand so much about not only myself but every child to ever exist on this planet. We talked about parenting and basic human needs that explain behavior. We talked about how depending on where you live depends on what you will want to teach your kids. For example if you lived in a monarchy society you would want your children to learn the skills of: Obedience, Compliance, Clever. If you lived in a Democracy setting you would probably want your children to learn the skills of: Courage (confidence to take a known risk for a known purpose), Self-esteem (confidence in your ability to succeed), Responsibility (the ability to respond to challenges and opportunities), Cooperation (the ability to work together with others toward a common goal), Respect (treating others as worthwhile, valuable human beings). Everything we do has meaning, and what we teach o...