
Showing posts from March, 2023

Week 11

 This week we talked about things that I think I want to incorporate in every aspect of my life. It has helped me understand so much about not only myself but every child to ever exist on this planet. We talked about parenting and basic human needs that explain behavior.  We talked about how depending on where you live depends on what you will want to teach your kids. For example if you lived in a monarchy society you would want your children to learn the skills of: Obedience, Compliance, Clever. If you lived in a Democracy setting you would  probably want your children to learn the skills of:  Courage (confidence to take a known risk for a known purpose), Self-esteem (confidence in your ability to succeed), Responsibility (the ability to respond to challenges and opportunities), Cooperation (the ability to work together with others toward a common goal), Respect (treating others as worthwhile, valuable human beings). Everything we do has meaning, and what we teach our children has mea

Week 10

 This week we talked about the family work relationship. I thought it to be very insightful. It made me think more about what I want to do with my future, and how I will provide for my future family. To start off we talked about how since the industrial revolution the work-family life situation has changed a lot. It used to be that you and your family all worked together. Like Adam and wasn't a separate thing, it was done altogether and would help you all bond. That was just life. However, since we have had the industrial revolution we have separated work and family life. The new normal became that the father would leave for the entire day and work, and then come home to the family while the mother watched over the kids. This can create problems in the family relationships. Now there aren't two parents home, and the children don't get that experience of learning and working hard like they would in that sort of environment.  We then talked about how it is very impo

Week 9

 Problems with communication! I absolutely love communication (I am still human though and am not perfect at it). I love learning about it, and practicing it, so this week was very exciting for me. I have used some of the principles that we talked about, but never really successfully and in a format that can be followed step by step. This is life changing stuff.  out of all communication the only percentage of it that is words is 14%. The rest is your tone of voice (35%) and non verbal (51%) communication. So how we communicate is very important. Sometimes when communicating with others it can be misinterpreted, because in our world today we really such at communication. More than ever before. Luckily there are 5 secrets/steps to effective communication that we learned about. 5 secrets of effective communication  Disarming technique Find, and state the kernel of truth of what someone has said, even if it seems unreasonable. You don’t feel overwhelmed anymore when you look for the kerne

Week 8

Every week just keeps getting betting in the things I am learning. This week we talked a lot about stress and the fight, flight, freeze response.  To start off we talked about how we don't value stress enough, and what it does for our bodies not only physically by psychologically. Typically when we think of stress we think of distress, and super negative experiences. However, there is good stress (Eustress) which effects you in a positive way. In order to survive we need to have a good balance of both.  There is also external stress and internal stress. External stress is stress that is caused by something or someone physical. Internal stress is often mental and is caused by something mental/emotional. We looked at some studies done on people during times of crisis and how they reacted/ what happened to them. If the situation was just a stressor then the family would bounce back just fine. However, if the situation was a crisis then it would change the family. Crisis is something t